Truth: Exposed

John 8:32 - And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. I just want to give encouraging words to anyone willing to read this. Be blessed!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Removing the Jonahs...

Reading: Jonah 1-4

::As I was packing to leave my dorm, I ran across this word that God gave me. After I read it, I was strengthen in the fact that there are some things you just must let go...::

God told Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh and preach a word against their wickedness. However, in disobedience Jonah fled to Tarshish. We all know that God sent out a "fish" to swallow up Jonah, causing him to be in the belly of this "fish" for three days. Jonah thought he was in the clear.

Why is it that when we disobey we run? God knows the destination before we plan the trip! Jonah 1:2 says he bought a ticket for this boat going to Tarshish, so he could be "from" the presence of the Lord. God already had a lesson for Jonah and if Jonah would have simply said, "Yes Lord," he wouldn't have been in the mess he was in. We have to learn how to quit running. If God tells you to go... just go. There is no use of trying to out run God because it will never happen.

So Jonah thought he was in the clear and thought he was doing good. "God must not be upset because I was able to get this fare for the trip." He got to the dock, "God let me get to this boat so I'm alright." Jonah got to the boat, "See God can't be mad, He allowed me to get on this boat." But God. God will only let you go so far before he reminds you who He is. The 3rd verse says God caused a great wind and the men on the boat were afraid and eventually figured out Jonah caused the storm.

Sometimes we start unnecessary storms in our lives. Yes the bible says God wouldn't put more on us than we can bear, but sometimes we put things on ourselves and then try to quote that scripture like its not us. The 12th verse said, "And [Jonah] said to them, "Pick me up and throw me into the sea, then the sea will become calm for you." There are some things in your life that are going to have to be thrown overboard. That friend that is bringing you down, you better throw that Jonah overboard. In order to be elevated, you must learn how to be separated! That situation that is causing you to close your ears and refuse the word of God, throw it overboard. In doing so, the sea in your life will be peaceful. It took Jonah going in a dark place to come to himself. Don't ever let yourself stray from God because of disobedience. Open your eyes and ears and receive God's word. If that means going to Nineveh (wherever that may be for you) then so be it. If you have to alone with God, then so be it. God is talking to you but you decided to be spiritually deaf.

Have you ever seen a movie when one person see another but they are separated by a large crowd? And that one is yelling the other's name but they're running? That's how we do God sometimes. He's calling telling you, "My child, you know I have something better" or "You know that's not in my will." But what do we do? "I'm okay, God let me get this far and He's done nothing." Be careful people. God will only let you get so far before He shows you who He is.

So remember:
It's time to remove the Jonah's and cast them overboard!!!

Be blessed,

C. Renee'

::I know this was long, but I know it will help someone :)::


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