Got washed by the Lamb, so I got a blood transfusion
The conclusion? Jesus gave his life for spiritual distribution
So my soul wouldn't go to jail in hell's institution
His salvation is more than trying to live saved Sunday to Sunday
But its how are you going to live when you're back to the world on Monday
To accept His sacrifice is to accept His salvation
Which means you must undergo a spiritual transformation
You don't have to make promises, God already knows you
He's got a plan and purpose for your life if you'll just let Him show you
We can't conform to this world, we have to be separate
And not become like that housewife who's desperate
Of course you're going to be talked about, He was talked about for us
Remember He reigns on the just as well as the know Jesus??
So make sure your house is in order; don't live life on the border
You don't want to be left behind getting interviewed by the reporter
The time is shorter than ever for the time when He is coming back
Live life according to His will and keep it in tact
If you're not there yet, let God transform and mold you
So He can say "Well Done, my good and faithful servant" then behold you...
Romans 12:2 - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by
the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and
acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Here at Truth: Exposed, I do my best to back myself up with scriptures and let God be God. I'm sitting here in the computer lab and that poem was not was my Daddy :) This is just part one of two posts dealing with living a saved life. My next post will be dealing with a theory that a lot of the "Christian community" believe stay tuned. But while I'm here,...I can't tell you anything without first taking an evaluation of myself. To say that I'm a Christian, I must look at the root word: Christ. Which means what? When we accept His salvation, when are to become like Him. Anybody can go around claiming that they are saved and that they are a Christian, but until you are living according to HIS will, what are you claiming? The scripture says, "Be NOT conformed to this world..." You can't claim Christ but live the opposite. It's tragic because the church is transforming alright, but not in the way God would want. We seek quick fixes instead of permanent relief. We seek a "breakthrough" instead of letting God go through and break us from our past. Demonic forces and spirits are being accepted into the church (ex: homosexuality, adultery, lust,... I could go on) Come on people! Don't let that dance you did on Sunday be simply because of emotion. The true test is how you react to the fire when its just you and God? What happens when there is no music? What happens when you really want to let those "choice words" out? God wants to transform us because its only then that our purpose can be fulfilled. Don't worry about what over people think or say about you. If God be for you, who can be against you?
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