Truth: Exposed

John 8:32 - And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. I just want to give encouraging words to anyone willing to read this. Be blessed!

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Religion is God’s word used by man’s definition
Seeking yet to find that we weren’t given permission
Conviction…is hard for a preacher to get ‘cause he’s looking for commission
See everybody wants that anointed prayer cloth on television
But true anointing comes from God or do you have blurred vision?
Take God for who He was and is; it’s your decision
The word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword; that’s precision
To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ should be our mission
Take a timeout and observe all this spiritual division
We should be running to Christ like a head-on collision
So many different denominations; look at the church’s condition
The church should come together to form a true coalition
To let the world know Christ is coming back; no time for intermission
At this point, we should be on fire for Christ; ain’t no tradition
There is a spiritual warfare going on so get in position
This is good vs. evil, so start the ignition
If your house ain’t in order, make the transition
The first step to letting God work is called submission
God knows everything about anything; call it intuition
The world may be falling apart but God is a physician
If you believe in Christ and live the life, in Heaven you’ll have admission
God will take roll call since Jesus paid your tuition
So can we stop playing games and waiting for religion’s next edition?
It’s time we let God be God and give HIM all the recognition.

Several weeks ago, a few college students from Christ For the Nations came to UTA and "preached" (if I may use that word) in the Library mall. It was truly something to witness. The guy came at the audience with the truth and nothing but the truth. Everytime someone had something to say, he backed himself up with scripture. The devil was on his game too because there was a guy who would go around in a circle yelling about the things that were being said. People!...we have an assignment! What that showed me was that Satan is definitely doing his job and we aren't doing ours. I'm guilty of sometimes not standing up. However, I thank God for this blog because it allows me to voice what I have to say. Don't get me wrong...there's no shame in my game; I'm just asking God for boldness in the area of witnessing. We let religion, prosperity, self-righteousness, and other things cloud our witness. "Religion" has nothing to do with sharing that Christ died for us and that He is coming back again. When I look at people in the church, it's actually quite sad. People are leaving the church because the preacher ain't preaching a message they want to hear, or somebody did something to them... Are you serious? So if you aren't being taught about prosperity you aren't being taught? God forbid. Salvation isn't just about being blessed or getting that breakthrough. Before you try to prosper in the natural, ask God to help you to prosper in the spiritual. No church is perfect and if it was, once you got there, it wouldn't be. We got people that think they are holy thou art, people that are just as bad as the world, people who need to be shown the love of God. Religion is man-made! Truth is, Christ loved us so much, he died for our sins so that we wouldn't die to sin. He's preparing a place for us and when we accept His salvation, we are to become like Him. Yes, we are flesh. But the bible says to kill the flesh daily. I'm not perfect but with God's help I strive to be. It's time we quit focusing on who's doctrine is right and concentrate on God.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

WWJD?: Fad Becomes Fade

Remember when everybody and they Mama was sporting WWJD? bracelets? And we thought they were saved? It was a piece of "jewelry" that swept the country. Everywhere you look people had on black ones, green ones, red ones, blues ones; oh, and some were bold enough to sport more than one. So what's my problem? I only have one question (okay well maybe several): WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE REAL MEANING OF WWJD? And with or without the bracelet, what WOULD Jesus do? In our everyday actions, it seems like we forget who reigns on the throne, who took the nails for us; who said He'd never leave us nor forsake us. We also seem to forget that the answers we have need of are all in the bible. "Well, I've been saved for a long time and-" Yes, that may be true, yet you are not perfect. But as Christians, that is what we should strive to be. Remember when the celebrities were wearing the bracelets? Yet they were still living the same lifestyle? So, what are they saying, its okay to live a life of sin and still be a Christian? NO!! Christ lived a sinless life, then took sin for you so that we wouldn't have to die to sin! John said, "Behold the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world." But yet Jesus is a fad? Webster's defines a fad as "a passing style or interest." So are you saying that wearing that bracelet, having that keychain shows your interest? But what about after you take it off? How are you living? The message behind the bracelet is so deep yet I wonder if the owner ever applied it to their lives. You go to church, get your shout on, did a little speaking in tongues. But when that car cut you off down the road, you broke into your native tongues...WWJD? Yes, what would Jesus do? You shouldn't have to question. I am the very observant type; even in my talking, I'm always watching, always listening. It boggles my mind how much we let our flesh control our actions. The bible says, "Let this mind be in us which is also in Christ Jesus." What does that say to unbelievers that look at your life? "I can still do what I want and serve God?" Think about it. It was great that someone thought up the idea of WWJD? bracelets. But God is not a fad. His salvation is eternal. You can't be wearing the bracelet but you out at a party or wearing the bracelet but you smoking and doing drugs. COME ON! Jesus would never do any of that. Why? Because if he did, his whole life would have been in vain. His dying on the cross and shedding blood would have been worthless. When I think about, I don't even see the bracelets anymore. Now we have other acronyms that are becoming fads. But I realized that we don't have to let them fade. How? Just live the life. When faced with a decision, ask what would Jesus do? Or some might get personal and say, "Daddy, what would you do? Show me..." and He'll do it. The world watches the church more than you know. God knows you better than you know yourself; so trying to be a fashion statement ain't giving you extra cool points. If it opens up an opportunity to witness, Praise God and ask Him to give you favor and the words to say to minister to that person. But guess what? It doesn't stop there. Live Jesus even after your clothes get dirty or something happens to your jewelry. God is gonna reign anyway so let Him reign in you! God ain't a fad and you should never let Him fade...
So.... What Would Jesus Do??

Friday, October 07, 2005

21 Days=Habits

Ever find yourself saying, "I can't help it", "Ain't nothing wrong with it", or the ever popular, "God knows my heart"?

Most times, when we use those "excuses" (let's call them for what they are), usually we are doing something we have no business doing or getting involved in. However, sometimes that's not the case. Some people have to have their coffee in the morning or (people like me :)) just have to have chocolate! Did you know that it has been proven that to continuously do something for 21 days becomes a habit? I remember our youth group did a 21-day fast from things we felt we were "addicted" to. I did certain foods and other things, and when that fast was over, I felt so much better physically and spiritually! So I dare you to remove that which is hurting you emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually. That thing that you just can't go without; you say God knows your heart? Do you realize just how much truth you speak? He knows your every craving and addiction. He knows whether you truly want to stop. He even knows whether or not if given the opportunity if you would stop or not. Stop making God out to be a God who doesn't know you! He looks at you in your mess and wants you to stop and move toward Him. So you say you can't help it? If you have a foul mouth yet you don't curse in church, you can help it! If you sag your pants yet you pull them up in the presence of your employer, you can help it! Why are we so selective? God still sees you when you hide and when you are out in the open. And you think He's pleased? We have even gotten to the point where we use scriptures to justify our mess. How dare we take God's word and use it for our gain in that matter? "Ain't nothing wrong with it?" To God, sin is sin. Lying is just as bad as adultery. Cursing is just as bad as stealing. If you are confused, check and see if what you are doing is lining up with the word of God (minus what you "think" the word is saying). Ask yourself, "What I'm doing (those things that are wrong), could I do that in front of my parents?" If the answer is yes, something is wrong. If the answer is no, something is wrong. Why? God is your father right? So you're saying that you can do your mess in front of Him and He not say anything? I seriously doubt it.
Titus 1:16 "They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work." James 1:14 "But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.
15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin: and sin, when it is
full-grown, bring forth death."
Wow! Sin basically cancels the good. We claim God yet we don't live God? That's a slap in the face. Each time we sin, we reject Christ's salvation and we cruicfy Him all over again. Yes we get tempted, but don't give in to them. Sin kills you spiritually. So why not exercise your faith in God. If you can go without drinking on Friday, guess what? You can go without on Saturday. My TV hasn't worked since the semester started and at first I looked at it as my "curse". But now, I see it as a blessing. Why? Because I've realized just how much time I spent in front of the TV when "my show" came on or something. But I've learned to use this time to form a Godly habit. I encourage you for the next 21 days to let go of the people you think you have to be surrounded by all the time, the things you think you need and make a habit pleasing unto God. Yes we have all fallen short, but we serve a God who is able to KEEP you from falling. So seek God in all things and let him become your craving and addiction.
