Truth: Exposed

John 8:32 - And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. I just want to give encouraging words to anyone willing to read this. Be blessed!

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Whole Truth


So its quite obvious that I don't get on here as often as I should... please forgive me.

"My Brain Is Fighting My Fingers"... literally.

I'll be back... don't know when though.

That's the whole truth.

Wednesday, July 07, 2010


In the game. Out the game. Mind made up. Mind changed.

First blog of 2010 and here it is already half way in the year! That's sad lol

check me out at:

I'll be back... eventually.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Living Bible

"Be careful, because your life may be the only bible a person will ever read"

So I'm here in Memphis, TN for the 2009 COGIC Holy Convocation and I experienced that quote first hand last night at Applebee's. Long story short, you never know who is watching your lifestyle and who you proclaim to rep. I'm just glad that the group I was with was able to shed positive light on an individual who's day was looking dark. It's sad how much we say we LOVE God, yet, we can't stand our brother.

Lord, give us a heart; give us YOUR heart...

Monday, June 08, 2009

Just Because... (Gotta Keep it 100!)

Good Mornting, Good Mornting!

  • I'm at work, contemplating whether or not I should go home and get back in the bed LOL
  • So, I'm doing this poetry/music thing and its going pretty good.
  • Got that degree about 3 wks ago and I'm soooooo glad that that chapter is over! It is currently at my parents house sitting next to my dad.
  • I'm apt hunting.... let's see how that goes!
  • I LOVE my FAM... ya'll know who you are!
  • Special shout out to my church fam... we keep it straight 100!
  • This blog was written to pass time. lol

Friday, March 27, 2009

3yrs later...

3yrs later...

I admit, I forgot I had this blog! LOL! But I'm still going to make it do what it do! :) I just added another blog: to put my poetry up. And I know you're thinking, "How are you going to manage two if you forgot about this one!?" Well, "idk my bff Jill!" LOL My status has changed, and is changing... so therefore, I will continue to speak the truth and nothing but the truth... even if that means I have to show my scars! To God be the glory :) I'm coming back ya'll...

Monday, May 29, 2006

Removing the Jonahs...

Reading: Jonah 1-4

::As I was packing to leave my dorm, I ran across this word that God gave me. After I read it, I was strengthen in the fact that there are some things you just must let go...::

God told Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh and preach a word against their wickedness. However, in disobedience Jonah fled to Tarshish. We all know that God sent out a "fish" to swallow up Jonah, causing him to be in the belly of this "fish" for three days. Jonah thought he was in the clear.

Why is it that when we disobey we run? God knows the destination before we plan the trip! Jonah 1:2 says he bought a ticket for this boat going to Tarshish, so he could be "from" the presence of the Lord. God already had a lesson for Jonah and if Jonah would have simply said, "Yes Lord," he wouldn't have been in the mess he was in. We have to learn how to quit running. If God tells you to go... just go. There is no use of trying to out run God because it will never happen.

So Jonah thought he was in the clear and thought he was doing good. "God must not be upset because I was able to get this fare for the trip." He got to the dock, "God let me get to this boat so I'm alright." Jonah got to the boat, "See God can't be mad, He allowed me to get on this boat." But God. God will only let you go so far before he reminds you who He is. The 3rd verse says God caused a great wind and the men on the boat were afraid and eventually figured out Jonah caused the storm.

Sometimes we start unnecessary storms in our lives. Yes the bible says God wouldn't put more on us than we can bear, but sometimes we put things on ourselves and then try to quote that scripture like its not us. The 12th verse said, "And [Jonah] said to them, "Pick me up and throw me into the sea, then the sea will become calm for you." There are some things in your life that are going to have to be thrown overboard. That friend that is bringing you down, you better throw that Jonah overboard. In order to be elevated, you must learn how to be separated! That situation that is causing you to close your ears and refuse the word of God, throw it overboard. In doing so, the sea in your life will be peaceful. It took Jonah going in a dark place to come to himself. Don't ever let yourself stray from God because of disobedience. Open your eyes and ears and receive God's word. If that means going to Nineveh (wherever that may be for you) then so be it. If you have to alone with God, then so be it. God is talking to you but you decided to be spiritually deaf.

Have you ever seen a movie when one person see another but they are separated by a large crowd? And that one is yelling the other's name but they're running? That's how we do God sometimes. He's calling telling you, "My child, you know I have something better" or "You know that's not in my will." But what do we do? "I'm okay, God let me get this far and He's done nothing." Be careful people. God will only let you get so far before He shows you who He is.

So remember:
It's time to remove the Jonah's and cast them overboard!!!

Be blessed,

C. Renee'

::I know this was long, but I know it will help someone :)::

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Your Past Was Never Made To Past

Scripture: Acts 10: 13-15

13 And a voice came to him,
"Rise Peter, kill and eat."

14 But Peter said, "Not so,
Lord! For I have never eaten anything common or unclean."

15 And a voice spoke to him
again the second time, "What God has cleansed you must not call

Have you ever known someone who was well-off but because of the way you remember them, your view is distorted? Or perhaps you are so used to a certain way that change would be unthinkable? In this passage of scripture, Peter had a vision of a great sheet descending on him and the earth. And in this sheet were animals of all kinds. A voice told him to kill the animals and eat of them. But because of the way Peter had been accustomed to, He didn't want to eat anything common or unclean. That's how we get sometimes. We get accustomed to our surrounding, we stay put in our "comfort zone" because we think that's where God has placed us. But the minute He says move, we question or we make a comment. And its good that we want to make sure its in God's will; however, when something looks common, God can make it uncommon or out of the ordinary. What we believe to be dirty, God has cleansed it. There could be people around you that won't give you the satisfaction of receiving salvation. Why? Because they remember when you were on the street, or they remember the people you hung out with. But "what God has cleansed" they can't call common. You have to rise and let them know that "your past was never made to last." We have all made mistakes, but when we accept Christ, we are to become creatures. Never think that because you had a horrible past that God can't cleanse you. Man would look at you and say that you are common or unclean. But aren't you glad that you serve a God that isn't like man? Or maybe you're dealing with yourself; you can't forgive yourself for your past. But if God can forgive you, surely you can forgive yourself. The bible said, "Rise...kill and eat." GET UP!! Walk into the newness of being a child of God. If God has called you to minister in the very areas he has delivered you from, don't look at that area as unclean. God can take anything and clean it. Look at what His Son did for you. Jesus could have easily said, "But Daddy, those people are sinful, common, unclean..." NO, God saw that through His Son we could be cleansed from sin. So remember, your mistakes from your past were never meant to be carried into your future. People may look at you and say, "Well, I never deal with those types of people." But what did the word say? "What God has cleansed, you must not call common."
If your past was meant to last, your present wouldn't have a future. -C Renee'
Now unto Him,

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Exposing the remake....

Jehovah Jireh is so awesome that sometimes I don't know what to do!!

Here it is almost the end of March and yet this is my first blog of 2006 lol First of all, I praise God for allowing me to go through to the other side of through (somebody didn't get that lol). When I think of what I'm having to leave and where He is taking me, my God is so great!
"I've had enough heartaches and headaches....but I've decided that I've
cried my last tear yesterday."
This blog is just simply my thoughts...nothing deep (don't worry though 2006 is about to be big!). It's sad that I haven't been on here; I've been so busy. I have two other blogs, classes at night, work in the day, trying to record my demo, working on my webpage...but its ALL FOR JEHOVAH JIREH!!! Stay tuned people, God is about to do some thangs, and I just pray that I'm ready for what is to come. Be careful for what you pray for because everything has a consequence... I have to live life by the day and constantly ask God for covering. I'm trapped with soooo much in my head musically that it's ridiculous. Then when God is revealing people that are for you and against, you're like, "God have I been blind all this time?" And it really does. But if God can bring you to it, He'll bring you through it! So anyway, I'm exposing myself to say, "GOD HERE I AM USE ME!!" Stay tuned...

Now unto Him,

Sunday, December 18, 2005

The Diary of Crystal Renee'

Written By C. Renee’ (September 8, 2004)
Copyright 2005: Sirius Peace of CrySTYLE

Day 1:
I’m putting myself on paper instead of on the run
Thought I was having fun, must have been undone
I feel like a snowman melting in the sun
It’s hard for me to explain, my life is full of shame
If you ask me who I am, I can’t tell you my name
So what’s my claim to fame, I’m dealing with so much pain
I know before I can have sunshine, I must appreciate the rain
What do I have to gain when I’m nearly going insane?
Though I try not to, I manage to somehow complain
My life is a hurricane with 140 mph winds
I thought I had friends in whom I could depend
Guess they were playing pretend cause those days have come to an end
I could tell because many nights crying in my pillow I would spend
Is there anyone genuine or is everyone just fake?
I don’t know how many times my heart can continue to break
There is only so much a girl can take or am I making a mistake
I had many a dream; I could go down the list
I had a knife in my right hand cutting my left wrist
Thank God that didn’t exist; I’d probably be in the office of some psychologist
Why are my days hard and full of despair?
I know life isn’t fair but I wish at least one person would care
I declare, I’d rather be elsewhere at least so my heart can repair
I know the thoughts in my head are so fiery
But this is just the first entry of my diary
Day 2:
This is entry two and my day is the darkest of blue
I feel like tissue on the bottom of life’s shoe
Everyday is an issue, more mess to get through
I try to sneeze the pain out, "Achoo"…can a sista get a bless you?
These are the things I go through, locked up like an animal at the zoo
Cause everyday I’m by myself checking messages on AOL or yahoo
What am I to do, I’m usually by myself
Can anybody hear me, I’m crying out for help
I have nothing left; I’m here to myself
Seems like I’m like a book that’s been forgotten on the shelf
I can’t call my mama, don’t wanna start drama
Because just when I try to put a period, someone makes a comma
I’m trying my best; I know I’m too blessed to be stressed
But I know that right now I’m flunking the ultimate test
My mind gets no rest; just getting one positive thought is a quest
It’s hard to digest; I’m like an egg abandoned in a nest
Can’t believe these words are coming out of my head
Guess it comes from many days and nights being lonely and tears being shed
Must have been brain dead or mislead because just when I thought I knew what love was, my heart would shred
I lay in the bed staring at the ceiling, waiting on my healing
Wondering what this is I’m feeling; what is my mind revealing?
I’m dealing with putting myself behind a brick wall
So sure that if I came from behind, I’d be Humpty Dumpty and fall
Who can I call? No one it seems
When will the nightmares stop so that I can dream?
My voice wants to scream; my thoughts are too extreme
But I remember I must put my faith in the God who reigns supreme
The God with the number one team; the God who told me to believe in what has yet to be seen
I must raise my self-esteem and then I won’t be so fiery
This is my second and last entry of my diary.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Got washed by the Lamb, so I got a blood transfusion
The conclusion? Jesus gave his life for spiritual distribution
So my soul wouldn't go to jail in hell's institution
His salvation is more than trying to live saved Sunday to Sunday
But its how are you going to live when you're back to the world on Monday
To accept His sacrifice is to accept His salvation
Which means you must undergo a spiritual transformation
You don't have to make promises, God already knows you
He's got a plan and purpose for your life if you'll just let Him show you
We can't conform to this world, we have to be separate
And not become like that housewife who's desperate
Of course you're going to be talked about, He was talked about for us
Remember He reigns on the just as well as the know Jesus??
So make sure your house is in order; don't live life on the border
You don't want to be left behind getting interviewed by the reporter
The time is shorter than ever for the time when He is coming back
Live life according to His will and keep it in tact
If you're not there yet, let God transform and mold you
So He can say "Well Done, my good and faithful servant" then behold you...

Romans 12:2 - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by
the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and
acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Here at Truth: Exposed, I do my best to back myself up with scriptures and let God be God. I'm sitting here in the computer lab and that poem was not was my Daddy :) This is just part one of two posts dealing with living a saved life. My next post will be dealing with a theory that a lot of the "Christian community" believe stay tuned. But while I'm here,...I can't tell you anything without first taking an evaluation of myself. To say that I'm a Christian, I must look at the root word: Christ. Which means what? When we accept His salvation, when are to become like Him. Anybody can go around claiming that they are saved and that they are a Christian, but until you are living according to HIS will, what are you claiming? The scripture says, "Be NOT conformed to this world..." You can't claim Christ but live the opposite. It's tragic because the church is transforming alright, but not in the way God would want. We seek quick fixes instead of permanent relief. We seek a "breakthrough" instead of letting God go through and break us from our past. Demonic forces and spirits are being accepted into the church (ex: homosexuality, adultery, lust,... I could go on) Come on people! Don't let that dance you did on Sunday be simply because of emotion. The true test is how you react to the fire when its just you and God? What happens when there is no music? What happens when you really want to let those "choice words" out? God wants to transform us because its only then that our purpose can be fulfilled. Don't worry about what over people think or say about you. If God be for you, who can be against you?

Monday, November 07, 2005

THS: Self Ministries

**Note: It has come to my attention that a lot of people don't know the origin of "Self Ministries." In fact, it has almost gotten out of hand. Therefore, I'm taking it upon myself to explain how this all came about.

The whole "Profitess" and "Self Ministries" came about because I had some ideas for a production that was supposed to take place at my church. I saw this character symbolizing deception. In what way? The bible says in 1 John 4:1-3:
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of
God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2 Hereby know ye
the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the
flesh is of God: 3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is
come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof
ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
In other words, "her" messages would cause people to go astray from the truth. The "Profitess" could take scriptures in the bible, turn them around and they would still make sense (HT people know what I'm talking about). How did "Self Ministries" come along? After getting the concept for this character, I felt that since she was a representation of the opposite, her attitude would be that it should be ALL about her; thus, Self Ministries. So where did I go wrong? I didn't explain what "daProfitess" was truly all about, and because of that, lots of people were/are being led down the wrong way. "Being in self" should NEVER be an excuse to sin. I guess I took for granted the different levels of "Christian Maturity." An example? Don't let "I'm in self" be your reason to use profanity nor let it be your reason to do anything outside of the will of God. 2 Tim. 3: 2, 5
For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud,
blasphemers... having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such
people turn away!
Then my S-I-C brought out an even stronger point. Whenever you have heard me say that I'm "daProfitess," you wouldn't acknowledge it as Profit if I didn't tell you. Am I right? Automatically, you would think Prophetess. And I realized that was very true. But if I wasn't called to be a Prophetess, what gives me the right to carry that title? People, if God ain't said, "This is who you are," then don't call yourself that title. Anybody can put a title in front of their name, but only God can choose you. I didn't realize the affect I made by creating this character. I'm a goofy person and I love to have fun, but if causes a person to stumble, its not worth it. I can't say forget I ever said I was "in self" or that I'm "daProfitess" because its left a mark. That's like a person who is known for wearing stylish hats. If that person stops wearing a hat for one day, someone will still ask what happened to the hat. Why? Because that mark has been made. Let the record show that I do apologize for leading anyone down the wrong path. Although my lifestyle never really conformed to that character, the characteristics of "daProfitess" were still evident. Therefore, my brothers and sisters, take an evaluation of yourselves and see where you are. It has NEVER been about us, it has ALWAYS been about GOD!!! Everyday should be, "God what assignment do you have for me?" Don't let your flesh control your actions. Flesh is the true definition of self; to let your flesh overtake you! Let God take over you! As Christians, we have no excuse. God is able to KEEP us from falling. Yes God has given us free will, but if you're not in the will of God, you're just wasting your time!
**At this time, I "retire" the title of "Profitess" (no joke). Until, God tells me, or even if I never receive a title, I'm simply Crystal Renee'

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Religion is God’s word used by man’s definition
Seeking yet to find that we weren’t given permission
Conviction…is hard for a preacher to get ‘cause he’s looking for commission
See everybody wants that anointed prayer cloth on television
But true anointing comes from God or do you have blurred vision?
Take God for who He was and is; it’s your decision
The word of God is sharper than any two-edged sword; that’s precision
To spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ should be our mission
Take a timeout and observe all this spiritual division
We should be running to Christ like a head-on collision
So many different denominations; look at the church’s condition
The church should come together to form a true coalition
To let the world know Christ is coming back; no time for intermission
At this point, we should be on fire for Christ; ain’t no tradition
There is a spiritual warfare going on so get in position
This is good vs. evil, so start the ignition
If your house ain’t in order, make the transition
The first step to letting God work is called submission
God knows everything about anything; call it intuition
The world may be falling apart but God is a physician
If you believe in Christ and live the life, in Heaven you’ll have admission
God will take roll call since Jesus paid your tuition
So can we stop playing games and waiting for religion’s next edition?
It’s time we let God be God and give HIM all the recognition.

Several weeks ago, a few college students from Christ For the Nations came to UTA and "preached" (if I may use that word) in the Library mall. It was truly something to witness. The guy came at the audience with the truth and nothing but the truth. Everytime someone had something to say, he backed himself up with scripture. The devil was on his game too because there was a guy who would go around in a circle yelling about the things that were being said. People!...we have an assignment! What that showed me was that Satan is definitely doing his job and we aren't doing ours. I'm guilty of sometimes not standing up. However, I thank God for this blog because it allows me to voice what I have to say. Don't get me wrong...there's no shame in my game; I'm just asking God for boldness in the area of witnessing. We let religion, prosperity, self-righteousness, and other things cloud our witness. "Religion" has nothing to do with sharing that Christ died for us and that He is coming back again. When I look at people in the church, it's actually quite sad. People are leaving the church because the preacher ain't preaching a message they want to hear, or somebody did something to them... Are you serious? So if you aren't being taught about prosperity you aren't being taught? God forbid. Salvation isn't just about being blessed or getting that breakthrough. Before you try to prosper in the natural, ask God to help you to prosper in the spiritual. No church is perfect and if it was, once you got there, it wouldn't be. We got people that think they are holy thou art, people that are just as bad as the world, people who need to be shown the love of God. Religion is man-made! Truth is, Christ loved us so much, he died for our sins so that we wouldn't die to sin. He's preparing a place for us and when we accept His salvation, we are to become like Him. Yes, we are flesh. But the bible says to kill the flesh daily. I'm not perfect but with God's help I strive to be. It's time we quit focusing on who's doctrine is right and concentrate on God.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

WWJD?: Fad Becomes Fade

Remember when everybody and they Mama was sporting WWJD? bracelets? And we thought they were saved? It was a piece of "jewelry" that swept the country. Everywhere you look people had on black ones, green ones, red ones, blues ones; oh, and some were bold enough to sport more than one. So what's my problem? I only have one question (okay well maybe several): WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE REAL MEANING OF WWJD? And with or without the bracelet, what WOULD Jesus do? In our everyday actions, it seems like we forget who reigns on the throne, who took the nails for us; who said He'd never leave us nor forsake us. We also seem to forget that the answers we have need of are all in the bible. "Well, I've been saved for a long time and-" Yes, that may be true, yet you are not perfect. But as Christians, that is what we should strive to be. Remember when the celebrities were wearing the bracelets? Yet they were still living the same lifestyle? So, what are they saying, its okay to live a life of sin and still be a Christian? NO!! Christ lived a sinless life, then took sin for you so that we wouldn't have to die to sin! John said, "Behold the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world." But yet Jesus is a fad? Webster's defines a fad as "a passing style or interest." So are you saying that wearing that bracelet, having that keychain shows your interest? But what about after you take it off? How are you living? The message behind the bracelet is so deep yet I wonder if the owner ever applied it to their lives. You go to church, get your shout on, did a little speaking in tongues. But when that car cut you off down the road, you broke into your native tongues...WWJD? Yes, what would Jesus do? You shouldn't have to question. I am the very observant type; even in my talking, I'm always watching, always listening. It boggles my mind how much we let our flesh control our actions. The bible says, "Let this mind be in us which is also in Christ Jesus." What does that say to unbelievers that look at your life? "I can still do what I want and serve God?" Think about it. It was great that someone thought up the idea of WWJD? bracelets. But God is not a fad. His salvation is eternal. You can't be wearing the bracelet but you out at a party or wearing the bracelet but you smoking and doing drugs. COME ON! Jesus would never do any of that. Why? Because if he did, his whole life would have been in vain. His dying on the cross and shedding blood would have been worthless. When I think about, I don't even see the bracelets anymore. Now we have other acronyms that are becoming fads. But I realized that we don't have to let them fade. How? Just live the life. When faced with a decision, ask what would Jesus do? Or some might get personal and say, "Daddy, what would you do? Show me..." and He'll do it. The world watches the church more than you know. God knows you better than you know yourself; so trying to be a fashion statement ain't giving you extra cool points. If it opens up an opportunity to witness, Praise God and ask Him to give you favor and the words to say to minister to that person. But guess what? It doesn't stop there. Live Jesus even after your clothes get dirty or something happens to your jewelry. God is gonna reign anyway so let Him reign in you! God ain't a fad and you should never let Him fade...
So.... What Would Jesus Do??

Friday, October 07, 2005

21 Days=Habits

Ever find yourself saying, "I can't help it", "Ain't nothing wrong with it", or the ever popular, "God knows my heart"?

Most times, when we use those "excuses" (let's call them for what they are), usually we are doing something we have no business doing or getting involved in. However, sometimes that's not the case. Some people have to have their coffee in the morning or (people like me :)) just have to have chocolate! Did you know that it has been proven that to continuously do something for 21 days becomes a habit? I remember our youth group did a 21-day fast from things we felt we were "addicted" to. I did certain foods and other things, and when that fast was over, I felt so much better physically and spiritually! So I dare you to remove that which is hurting you emotionally, mentally, physically, or spiritually. That thing that you just can't go without; you say God knows your heart? Do you realize just how much truth you speak? He knows your every craving and addiction. He knows whether you truly want to stop. He even knows whether or not if given the opportunity if you would stop or not. Stop making God out to be a God who doesn't know you! He looks at you in your mess and wants you to stop and move toward Him. So you say you can't help it? If you have a foul mouth yet you don't curse in church, you can help it! If you sag your pants yet you pull them up in the presence of your employer, you can help it! Why are we so selective? God still sees you when you hide and when you are out in the open. And you think He's pleased? We have even gotten to the point where we use scriptures to justify our mess. How dare we take God's word and use it for our gain in that matter? "Ain't nothing wrong with it?" To God, sin is sin. Lying is just as bad as adultery. Cursing is just as bad as stealing. If you are confused, check and see if what you are doing is lining up with the word of God (minus what you "think" the word is saying). Ask yourself, "What I'm doing (those things that are wrong), could I do that in front of my parents?" If the answer is yes, something is wrong. If the answer is no, something is wrong. Why? God is your father right? So you're saying that you can do your mess in front of Him and He not say anything? I seriously doubt it.
Titus 1:16 "They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work." James 1:14 "But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.
15 Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin: and sin, when it is
full-grown, bring forth death."
Wow! Sin basically cancels the good. We claim God yet we don't live God? That's a slap in the face. Each time we sin, we reject Christ's salvation and we cruicfy Him all over again. Yes we get tempted, but don't give in to them. Sin kills you spiritually. So why not exercise your faith in God. If you can go without drinking on Friday, guess what? You can go without on Saturday. My TV hasn't worked since the semester started and at first I looked at it as my "curse". But now, I see it as a blessing. Why? Because I've realized just how much time I spent in front of the TV when "my show" came on or something. But I've learned to use this time to form a Godly habit. I encourage you for the next 21 days to let go of the people you think you have to be surrounded by all the time, the things you think you need and make a habit pleasing unto God. Yes we have all fallen short, but we serve a God who is able to KEEP you from falling. So seek God in all things and let him become your craving and addiction.


Monday, August 22, 2005

What In The World Is Going On?

This blog is basically a shout out to my former youth pastor, G. Craige Lewis. This man is so power packed with this message of hip-hop that is has blown me away. I remember when he first started at HT (my home church), the youth were shocked at what they had been feeding their minds. I put on his website that 100,000+ CD's would be destroyed because of his message. To date, over 750,000+ CD's are being destroyed because God is using this young man to spread the truth and nothing but the truth. I invite anyone who is interested to visit his website: Let me warn you, if you're not ready for the truth, don't go to the website. Craige's research has been done for over 12 years and everything he says goes back to the scripture so its not like its being made up. In today's church, everything is being put in the service just to make the people come. On Christian television, all you heard now is prosperity messages and "if you sow a seed of $1000, we will mail you an "anointed" prayer cloth that is sure to get you a breakthrough." First of all, we don't know exactly where the money is going. Anybody can get a cloth and call it anointed. And as far as the breakthrough, that starts with you and God. The bible says to "seek ye first the kingdom of God." You have to go to GOD!!! Quit always, trying to get the easy way with everything. And don't think that if you don't sow, you won't get blessed. That same $1000 that is a "must have", can be used to feed the hungry or bless the homeless. Don't let them tell you that money is the only way to victory or a breakthrough. God can use you with $5 in your pocket. But what Craige is speaking about is truth. How sin is sin and God can't work with a life of sin. If He turned his back on Jesus as he took our sins for us, what makes you think that the lifestyle you're living is pleasing him? Hip-hop is a spirit that is choking our youth and taking over our church. Please hear me with your heart and not just your mind or your ears. Prophecy is being fulfilled everyday and its time that we open ourselves up for the truth. In closing, Craige is doing his third recording: "The Truth Behind Hip-Hop Pt. 3: AntiChrist Superstar" on November 11, 2005 at Full Gospel Holy Temple Church in Dallas, TX. This is an event you don't want to miss. Its time to put the devil on notice and let him know that he can't take what was never his: your life and your soul! Much love.

Friday, July 15, 2005


If purpose is determination, then what is my inspiration?
Is it like an inventor with a new creation?
Or a student pursuing their education
My mama said so what?
Don't let life kick you in the butt
When the opportunities around you seem shut
Remember your purpose can never be cut
If determination is reasoning
Then it's needed like Mama's seasoning
Like a thirsty man needs a drink
Like a pen can't write without ink
So what is the purpose of this poem I write?
In spite of your darkness, it brings light
If your mentality is blinded, it gives you sight
If your direction is wrong, it can turn you right
We all have purpose through the grace of God
God's plan for you is larger than any squad
That might come against you and say your life is odd
Stand up in victory and hear the angels applaud.

Have you ever wondered, "Why am I here?" or "What am I suppose to do with my life?" At some point or another, we've all been there. You're good at writing but you like basketball. Maybe you're a quiet person, but you give great advice. God has given you a purpose but you have to find it in Him. Ask him what it is He wants you to do. A lot of times, God gives you a gift or talent that he wants returned to him. You may know how to sing. God could be leading you to reach people through your singing. If you seek God for an answer, he will reveal it to you. The first mistake we make is consulting everyone else first. By the time you get 10 opinions, you come out more confused than before.
Just when it seems like you're doing what you're supposed to do, something comes up against you right? It's the devil. Just like God knows what your future holds, so does Satan. 1 Peter 5:8 - "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." The devil knows your purpose but he will do whatever he can to keep you from it. We are living in a time when people with God-given talents are using them for the secular crowd. Sure their purpose was to sing or dance, but God wanted that for him. Don't be confused people! Many out there will thank God in one sentence and then curse in their lyrics the next. God has so much more for you but you have to seek him first. I was a Broadcasting major because I thought that was where I needed to be. However, God put too much music in my life for me to go down that path. I mean, so what you make a mistake. God will NEVER condemn you for what you've done. God will only "Convince, Convict, and Convert." So, ask God to show you the path that is right for you. It's not going to be easy, but in the end, it will be worth it.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Killing Your Witness

You go throughout your day doing all your talking
But do the words that you speak line up with your walking?
Are you the type known as an "uncover saint"?
Pretending to be someone that you know you really ain't
Why are you faint in your talk about Jesus Christ?
He is the reason you still have your life
He is the light that should shine before men
Without Him and salvation, we would forever be in sin
Never to be born again, we'd be like ships lost at sea
Never to fulfill our purpose in our God given destiny
Can't you see, your life should speak for you
Actions speak louder than words; I thought you knew
Its true that people can always remember your mistakes
So don't you think they can tell a real Christian from a fake
Go ahead and break those chains of deception
The life you live can give someone a whole new perception
Remember that God is all seeing and all knowing
So when you are in darkness, He's the one still glowing
Showing you that you should make it your business
To make sure that your life isn't killing your witness.

The bible says that as Christians, we are to be in the world but not of it. 1 John 2:15 says, Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." Now this a bold statement. In other words, if you love God, you can't be still trying to do as the world. You're either for him or against him. I wrote this poem because I felt that God was not only directing it to others but I needed to check myself. If I'm proclaiming God and yet I'm at the club doing what everyone else is doing, what is that saying for the God I serve? I've never been to a club or a party. The past year was my first year in college. I must say that the world truly has NOTHING to offer me. I just want to encourage you, don't let your good be evil spoken of. Remember whose child you are and the God you serve. Revelation 3:15-16 "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth." Wow! God is basically saying if you are going to do your dirt then do it. However, don't try to be at the club on Saturday night and then be on that altar Sunday trying to cry and repent. I heard someone say "if you are going to sin, then sin all the way. But if you're going to live for God, then live for God all the way." So, people that read this, I'm not perfect, that's why I must kill this flesh daily. But I refuse to kill my witness and be of this world. Keep the faith people. We serve a God that will keep you...but you must want to be kept!